(512) 500-3344 shalomgpmed@gmail.com

Schedule Appointment

Annual Wellness Checks

Ensure your well-being with our comprehensive Annual Wellness Checks. Our healthcare professionals will assess your overall health, review your medical history, and conduct essential screenings. Stay proactive in managing your health with our dedicated team.

Lab Testing and Diagnostics

Accurate diagnosis is key to effective treatment. Our state-of-the-art lab and diagnostic services provide precise results, allowing us to tailor your healthcare plan. Trust in our expertise for reliable assessments and personalized care.

Telemedicine Appointments

Experience healthcare from the comfort of your home with Telemedicine Appointments. Consult with our healthcare professionals via secure video calls, receive medical advice, and even get prescriptions online. Convenient and accessible healthcare, just a click away.

House Calls

In addition to our traditional services, we offer visiting physician services to group homes, assisted living facilities, and similar care residences. Our dedicated team is committed to providing comprehensive care to patients in these settings, ensuring they receive the attention they deserve in the comfort of their home environment.

Interested in Scheduling an Appointment?

Call (512) 500-3344 or click the button below to book an appointment.

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